
BBC Documentary Reveals Disturbing Secrets of the Burning Sun Scandal in the K-pop Industry

  • Grace Angelique
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  • May 24, 2024
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  • 4 minute read
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BBC Documentary Reveals Disturbing Secrets of the Burning Sun Scandal in the K-pop Industry

The BBC documentary Burning Sun: Exposing the Secret K-pop Chat Group revisits the 2019 scandal involving K-pop stars Seungri, Jung Joon-young, and others.

It reveals new evidence and testimonies of the dark side of the K-pop industry.

Key Takeaways
  • The documentary sheds light on the 2019 Burning Sun scandal involving K-pop stars and criminal activities.
  • Testimonies and forensic data reveal the involvement of top celebrities in illicit activities.
  • The documentary highlights Goo Ha-ra's bravery in exposing police collusion.

BBC Documentary Reveals Dark Secrets of K-Pop Industry

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has released a groundbreaking documentary, Burning Sun: Exposing the Secret K-pop Chat Group, revisiting the notorious 2019 sex and drug scandal that rocked the K-pop industry.

This documentary delves deep into the illicit activities surrounding the Burning Sun nightclub, associated with Seungri of the K-pop boy band BIGBANG.

Inside the Dark World of Burning Sun

The one-hour documentary is based on the testimonies of two female journalists in Seoul.

Park Hyo-sil, who first exposed the allegations of singer-songwriter Jung Joon-young’s voyeur videos recorded in 2016, and reporter Kang Kyung-yoon, who exposed the Burning Sun scandal in 2019.

They reveal forensic data from Jung’s mobile phone showing that Jung, Seungri, and Choi Jong-hoon of FT Island were key members of a KakaoTalk chat group where they shared illegal footage and discussed their crimes.

Shocking Revelations and Victim Accounts

The documentary features previously unseen footage, including a clip of Seungri threatening a woman at a party.

Additionally, a former Burning Sun employee disclosed that gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), a date rape drug, was frequently used at the club, with women often found unconscious after being drugged.

Goo Ha-ra’s Courageous Role

For the first time, the documentary highlights the late K-pop singer Goo Ha-ra’s significant role in exposing police collusion with the entertainment industry.

Reporter Kang recounts how Goo helped reveal the identity of a high-ranking police official involved in the scandal, urging Choi to expose the truth.

Legal Consequences for the Celebrities Involved

The documentary details the legal outcomes for the celebrities involved.

Seungri was found guilty of various crimes, served one year and six months in prison, and was released in February 2023.

Jung Joon-young served five years for gang rape and was released in March 2023, while Choi Jong-hoon was released in November 2021 after serving two and a half years.

The Involvement of Other Celebrities

The documentary also revisits the roles of other celebrities implicated in the scandal:

  • Seungri: The mastermind, orchestrating major events and catering to important clients.
  • Jung Joon-young: Distributed 11 illegal videos of women and was heavily involved in the chatroom.
  • Yong Jun Hyung: Initially denied involvement but later admitted to being a spectator.
  • Choi Jong-hoon: Mocked women in videos and bribed police to cover up crimes.
  • Roy Kim: Denied involvement but admitted to sharing an obscene photo.
  • Lee Jonghyun: Made sexually harassing comments in the chatroom.
  • Kang-in, Jung Jin Woon, Lee Cheol Woo, and Eddy Kim: Had varying degrees of involvement, from denying participation to sharing obscene photographs.

A Wake-Up Call for the K-pop Industry

Burning Sun: Exposing the Secret K-pop Chat Group has garnered over 3.6 million views on YouTube within two days of its release, reflecting an ongoing global interest in the scandal and its implications for the K-pop industry.

The BBC documentary is a stark reminder of the hidden dangers and illicit activities that can lurk behind the glitz and glamour of the K-pop industry.

This exposé also underscores the urgent need for greater accountability and transparency within the entertainment world by shedding light on the criminal behaviors of some of its most prominent stars.

The bravery of journalists and whistleblowers, particularly Goo Ha-ra, bring these dark secrets to light, highlighting the importance of integrity and courage in the fight against corruption.

As the documentary garners widespread attention, it continues to fuel global discussions about the industry’s systemic issues and the measures needed to protect victims and ensure justice.

Grace Angelique

Grace Angelique

An accomplished Art News Journalist with a decade of experience, Grace has passionately covered global art events, exhibitions, and emerging trends. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a pulse on the art world's undercurrents, Grace has crafted compelling narratives that bridge art and its societal impacts. Her work has graced major publications, offering readers a fresh perspective on contemporary art and its evolving landscape.

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